Rainbow Six now in your Mobile

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege was  released in December 2015, and 

become one of the popular shooter game among the gamers and there are more than 

70 million registered players

Ubisoft has announced Rainbow Six Mobile, a new game for Android and iOS devices 

which will bring the gameplay experience of Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege  

to mobile devices.


Rainbow Six Mobile is also developing by Ubisoft Montreal and an exact date

has not yet been set to release the game. Rainbow Six Mobile is a 

free-to-play mobile package. Developers' aim is to make Rainbow Six Mobile

 the best tactical shooter game on mobile.


According to the latest news R6 Mobile is a 5v5 attack and defend FPS with 

destructible environments and a variety of specialist gadgets. Attackers use drones, 

explosives, and various other offensive items to push their way into 

the defending team’s fortified positions.

Matches are shorter as R6 Mobile is a best-of-three-rounds affair, 

and the HUD has been adjusted to work for mobile. It also seems, 

at least at launch, that there will be a smaller pool of maps and operators to pick from. 

Confirmed so far are classic locations Bank and Border,

 while Ubisoft says “the most popular Rainbow Six operators” will be included. 

The Rainbow Six Mobile website and announcement trailer indicates 

that at least 10 Operators are confirmed for the mobile game: 

Ash, Sledge, Twitch, Thermite, Hibana, Caveira, Bandit, Smoke, Valkyrie, and Mute.


Click here for more details by creative director Justin Swan

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